How are images synchronized with nopCommerce?

  • Total Posts: 1



We have ERP developed by an Italian software house, I can have access to the data through sql queries in order to avoid generating XML files.

How are images can be synchronized with nopCommerce Sync plugin?

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  • Total Posts: 85


Daniele wrote:
How are images can be synchronized with nopCommerce Sync plugin?
Hi, thank you for your question.

Images should be on the server or available by http/s. Your application pool user should have read access to those files.
We support the following Path formats:

1. absolute path - C:\Users\DeLL\source\repos\nop42\Presentation\Nop.Web\wwwroot\images\thumbs\0000005_electronics.jpeg
2. relative path - ~/wwwroot/images/thumbs/0000005_electronics.jpeg
3. web path -

  • Total Posts: 4


Can You please provide example (xml and pluginsettings.json) for importing pictures / productpictures. We tried to accomplish that but without success.
Can You please explain what are 'Conversions' , how they works and how to setup them.

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  • Total Posts: 85


Josip wrote:
Can You please provide example (xml and pluginsettings.json) for importing pictures / productpictures. We tried to accomplish that but without success.
Can You please explain what are 'Conversions' , how they works and how to setup them.
You should have an association product picture task and your schedule task. You will find the following example int [DevPartner.Sync]\pluginsettings.json

Please copy this task to your configuration task(probable you already have it

As you can see we use Picture Conversion(\DevPartner.Nop.Plugin.Sync\Services\Conversions\PictureConversion.cs) here to upload pictures to nopCommerce.
Conversions it's some sort of converters that transform values. For example, Picture conversion transform picture path(or URL) to nopCommerce PictureId

  • Total Posts: 4


I manage to import pictures, thanks for help.